As a stay at home mother, I find this thought very frequent in my head. I am now my own boss. It took me a few degrees and corporate experience to become my own boss... or so it seems. I am currently under employment of my home. I find this at times to be more rewarding than anything I have ever done and yet the most challenging entrepreneurial like thing I have ever done. It feels as though I have started my own business. I have began employment for Gibson Inc.
It feels like the go-getter inside of me is telling me to do more. I need to "do something". I hear it all the time from women in the work force, other working moms and single women in the work force that I AM doing something. I understand where they are coming from. If only they knew where I was coming from. I begged and pleaded with God to please make a way for me to stay at home. It is true he does give us the desires of our heart. My heart truly desires to be home during this impressionable time. I am just finding myself wanting more. God knows my desires and my experience. I want so badly to help others. I am finding comfort in that yes I am doing something with my family that is immeasurable. I also want to be a good steward of my talents and experience. When I think of that bible verse Psalms 37:4 .."and he will give you the desires of your heart.." I tend to remember just the second half. It says
Delight yourself in the Lord,
and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4
and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalms 37:4
I know find myself asking this question, " Will this please God?" This simple question is profound. Does everything I do glorify God? No, no it does not. There will always be areas I can improve. Right now the main one I can focus on is delighting myself in the Lord with what he has ALREADY given me. He gave me a home, children and a husband. It is hard having to deal with my head telling me to do more but the Lord reminds me to focus on what I have. So many times in the past I would just take a jump into a new direction before putting prayer and scripture before my decisions. I am trying to not have to repeat the past. I already felt the Lord guide my steps when I didn't even know he was there. I just want to experience delighting myself in Him and seeing what lies ahead on my path in life.
There are so many things I want to do: Learn to play the piano, Write a book, Sew my own clothes, Decorate. I hope here in the blog I can find other people who can relate. We can encourage each other and in the end make a difference. Isn't that what it is all about?
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