
Monday, April 11, 2016


First I would like to say this is not going to be light hearted and full of dreamy talk post about this heavy weighted topic. This will be real talk about how I feel about the loss of someone and death all together. Recently a friend, more less classmate, was killed in a car accident. He was killed by someone driving intoxicated who walked away from the accident while the person I knew from high school lost his life. I'm not talking about about what is fair and karma. Those words don't mean much to me as they do most people I know. I am facing thoughts head on about eternity.

 I know for a fact Jesus died for everyone. The hardest part about death is it reminds me not everyone will spend eternity with Jesus. I am not eluding to the school mate who lost his life. I am simply saying that every time someone I know personally dies I think about how final our choices are in death. For those who are saved by Jesus then death truly has no sting. Death always reminds me of my own life and what choices I am making. I always think if I died would God be pleased with my entire life? I think its the fact that in death we can no longer say "tomorrow God, tomorrow I will live for you. Just give me more time" There is no more time. As a new Christian I remember feeling great anxiety about death. I couldn't hardly think about it at all. I was so worried I wasn't good enough, faulty thinking and just pure dark thoughts not of God.

 Anyhow this brings me to my current thoughts. It is hard to put in to the correct words for how I want to say this but I'll go ahead and say it for now, death reminds us of the urgency of sharing Jesus. Sharing Jesus is always a positive thing, even if I just committed a sin, it's still good to bring up the savior. The crazy thing is no one is good enough to get to spend eternity with God. Yet, by Grace we are saved. As Ephesians 2:8 says " For it is by grace you are saved, through faith, and this is NOT from yourselves, it is a gift of God." I feel so many of us who are saved feel we need to do enough good works and then heaven. The thing is we are all sinners. This means every single person whether you have a personal relationship with the one True God, God of David, God of Israel, and those who are lost in the world CONTINUE to sin. The difference is those who know God have the on going interceding grace of Jesus. This may sound confusing for some. All I want to get across is that yes being saved by Jesus' blood is payment for all ones sins and yet it doesn't make us perfect. We still fall and have to rely on Jesus for the rest of our lives. In summary I think I'm trying to say death brings up the age old topic of who is a good person? In death we like to identify who was good and who wasn't. I think there are people who do society more good than others but deep down we are all rotten.

Now I must sound like a pessimist but I assure you reader it is quite the opposite. I believe we are all rotten BUT we all have the chance to know the one person who will LOVE us anyway and accept us the way we are. The gift of eternal life is free. Won't you take it today, if you haven't already? If you have already taken the gift then spread, spread it to others who feel they don't have a chance because they too are not "good". I think its' a powerful message to say "No you are not good enough to make it to heave, but neither am I. I just know Jesus. He is enough. He is the way"

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